Board & Membership

DART Membership

DART is a fee-based membership organization whose collective endeavors benefits DownEast Acadia businesses, organizations, and communities regardless of membership.   Paid membership does bring specific marketing benefits to member businesses and organizations.

Our Members represent diverse tourism-related interests, including chambers of commerce, economic development groups, regional planning, educational institutions, professional business organizations, recreation and conservation groups, cultural/heritage groups, historical societies, business owners, municipalities, and more.

DART’s Governance Structure

Based on DART’s twin goals to increase participation and promote sub-regional representation:

  • Governing Board – includes members of Executive Board (officers and committee chairs) and Sub- Regional Representatives (to be nominated by members within the sub-regions).
  • General Membership – includes all dues-paying members.
  • Ex Officio – advisory in nature with no dues and no vote.

DART’s Annual Fee structure

  • Organizations: $100 Includes Chambers of commerce, business associations, non-profits, educational institutions, statewide organizations, municipal governments, etc.
  • Businesses and individuals: $50

Annual membership dues contribute critical required cash-match to maintain our ability to receive a Marketing and Promotion Grant from the Maine Office of Tourism (MOT).  Cash-match also allows DART to provide planning, development, and management services in addition to Marketing and Promotion work funded by MOT.  Members contribute valuable in-kind match through their generous donations of time, services, and products.

Benefits for Paid Business & Organization Members include:

  1. First option to sponsor visitor guide with affordable ad (½ page for $750 with international distribution of 35,000, plus digital guide online views).
  2. If desired, their website will be listed for them on &
  3. Three social media shout-outs with paid boost on DART Facebook & Instagram for events and special products/experiences. DART guarantees active engagement with paid member social accounts throughout the year.
  4. Access to select photo and video content for use in their own promotion.
  5. Members will be featured in DART content as appropriate – photo & video shoots, visitor E-newsletters, feature stories on website, influencer tours, etc.

Responsibilities of DART Board Members

  1. Governance Committee members will attend 5 meetings per year – including the Annual Tourism Symposium.
  2. General Members will attend at least 1 Governance Committee meeting per year and the Annual Tourism Symposium.
  3. All Members should:
  • Pay your dues on time and partner on paid promotion efforts – cash and in-kind match is a critical component in eligibility to receive Marketing & Promotion funds from Maine Office of Tourism.
  • Provide feedback, input, and ideas on key marketing projects and at annual Board meetings.
  • Share DART newsletters or important information with your own members and partners.
  • List their business/organization and events on – they will automatically appear on MOT’s website.
  • Encourage/assist your own members and partners to list their business or events.
  • Supply information and photography, video, blogs, or other content about your sub-region for DART website development and social media regional promotion whenever possible.
  • Collaborate and share – support and promote each other’s programs and communities.
  • Promote regional collaboration and the DART organization to your members, partners, and community.
  • Assist with the Annual Tourism Symposium, Marketing, and Fundraising.